JOIN US THIS SUMMER 17th - 26th July

The Visual Arts Programme

If you are an artist considering exhibiting at Boyle Arts Festival, we offer three distinct opportunities. The Main Exhibition is curated & invite-only, while the Open Submission Exhibition & Art Trail are open to all artists of all abilities. Click for full Terms & Conditions for all exhibitions.

Daily Scheduled Events

Plan your day at Boyle Arts Festival! Use the tabs below to see a personalised selection of events by your choice of event type or date.

Daily Scheduled Events

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Music Drama Theatre Comedy Family Panel Interview Workshop Spoken Words
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Boyle Arts Festival Family Day in the Pleasure Grounds, Boyle

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Recent Updates

Boyle Arts’ School Project 2024 continues its tradition of enriching Boyle with the fresh perspectives of its school pupils.
Artists of all calibers, if you’ve ever wanted to showcase your creativity and artistry in a vibrant, community-oriented setting, the Boyle Arts Festival presents you with a unique opportunity…
We would like to thank all those who have supported us in so many ways and without whom; there would be no Boyle Arts Festival. We received tremendous support…

places to visit

Boyle Abbey

King House

Lough Key Forest and Activity Park

Úna Bhán Tourism and Boyle Craft Shop

Castlestrange Scribed Stone

Gaelic Chieftain Sculpture

Tullyboy Farm

Drumanone Portal Tomb

Cloontykilla Castle

10. Boyle Library

Rockingham gate Lodges

King William Memorial

Boyle Golf Club

Daly's Drinks

Lough Key Boats

Stevie Lew Therapies

Zipit Forest Adventures

Discover Boyle

Angling Services Ireland

Woodland Segway

Mystery Trails

Our Mission Statement

Boyle Arts Festival is dedicated to the provision of the best in the performing and visual arts and to present a culturally enriching schedule of visual arts, music, literature, drama and family events, featuring exponents of national and international significance. The festival seeks to make the arts more accessible to a broad range of people, to give prominence to young, emerging Irish artists, both visual and performing, and to link with local arts groups in programming and organising events